19 February 2013

PT Gatecrash report

As expected, I did terribly at PT Gatecrash. A combination of school and moving and other real life issues in the month prior to leaving left me with actually zero time to prepare. I hadn't drafted the set at all prior to the first draft of the Pro Tour, and the only games of constructed I had played were the night before. That said, I was brewing lots of decks in my little free time, and I think I actually had a good feel for what to expect from the field. Unfortunately, that didn't translate to any results.

I'll start with constructed. Here is the deck I played:

4 Stomping Ground
4 Overgrown Tomb
4 Rootbound Crag
4 Blood Crypt
4 Woodland Cemetery
1 Forest
1 Dragonskull Summit
1 Kessig Wolf Run
1 Mountain

4 Experiment One
4 Flinthoof Boar
4 Strangleroot Geist
3 Gyre Sage
4 Dreg Mangler
4 Hellrider
4 Falkenrath Aristocrat
2 Ghor-Clan Rampager

4 Searing Spear
3 Abrupt Decay

3 Deathrite Shaman
3 Duress
2 Dreadbore
1 Abrupt Decay
1 Garruk Relentless
1 Zealous Conscripts
1 Gruul Charm
1 Golgari Charm
1 Rakdos Charm
1 Triumph of Ferocity

Nothing impressive about the deck. I didn't like the way it played after playing 5 rounds at the PT. 24 lands and 10 four drops just isn't what i ever want to do. I let myself play Hellrider even though I knew i wouldn't like it. I trusted the people that i knew that had done testing and went against my instincts. If I had time to test more, I may have ended up with a deck close to this (i had thought of both cackler and flunkies, just never had time to try it):

Ari Lax

4  Blood Crypt
2  Dragonskull Summit
2  Forest
1  Mountain
4  Overgrown Tomb
3  Rootbound Crag
4  Stomping Ground
2  Woodland Cemetery

4  Burning-Tree Emissary
3  Dreg Mangler
4  Experiment One
4  Falkenrath Aristocrat
4  Flinthoof Boar
4  Ghor-Clan Rampager
4  Mogg Flunkies
4  Rakdos Cackler

2  Abrupt Decay
3  Dreadbore
2  Searing Spear

1  Abrupt Decay
2  Domri Rade
3  Duress
1  Kessig Wolf Run
2  Olivia Voldaren
1  Searing Spear
3  Vampire Nighthawk
2  Wolfir Silverheart

There were also a couple of other lists that I had that I think I would have been happier playing. I also might have been the victim of poor matchups, since overall Jund Aggro won 60% of its matches at the PT

Round 4 I defeated Jund Midrange/Control, then lost to RUG Flash, The Aristocrats, Esper Control, and Naya Midrange. I think the Esper loss was bad luck, as I was stuck on three land for almost all of game 3 and still almost won, but the other losses felt like bad matchups.

As for draft, I ended up in Boros. I think it was right for my seat (I got passed Aurelia's Fury pack 3 pick 2), I just was fighting with too many neighbors for creatures and was left with only 14, 3 of them being 5 drops. I had a pick between Martial Glory and Boros Charm that was the only one I wasn't sure about, assuming I was Boros. I took Martial Glory, and its been split 50/50 between everyone I talk to.

Round 1 I lost to Dimir. We split two games being mana screwed, and game 3 I had plenty of mana, but no creature. I was still only 4 points short of killing him with Fury and Massive Raid at the end of the game, but he was still at twenty because I didn't play a creature until turn 5. He milled me out with 2 Mind Grind, neither player having taken any damage. Round 2 I lost to a better boros deck, round 3 I beat a worse boros deck.

It's really hard to prepare for a PT by yourself. I know this, and I valued the advice I got from other people who had done testing. I may have valued it too much, since a lot of it went against my instincts. I also didn't play particularly great at the tournament, and just a lack of any play experience was a huge factor.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

I liked Ari's list when I saw the article, and had decided to start getting cards to be able to play, at minimum, some FNM standard, so that's where I started. Took me more than a month to actually go play, but I took that list to a nearby store Friday. Had a lot of fun playing it, smashed many faces in my first IRL play in months, and my first IRL constructed in years. Not sure how to modify for the more current metagame, but fortunately the people at that store aren't part of the current metagame -- I didn't see a single copy of Junk Reanimator, for example. I would like a little more of an edge against control (Slaughter Games for wrath and/or Revelation, maybe?) and I didn't really have any sort of sideboarding plan in mind before I got there.