12 February 2023

Pyknite in Original Six NEOS Monthly

Throughout February, I've been playing in the New England Old School Monthly event. This month was the first to use what has come to be called as "Original Six". This means the first six Magic expansions are legal: Arabian Nights, Antiquities, Legends, The Dark, Fallen Empires, and Ice Age. Another way to look at it is Atlantic with core set ABUR replaced by Ice Age.

The format was fun to prepare for and I'm excited to explore it more. Here is a bit about my process and the games I played.

The Brewing Process

I started brewing in a familiar place: 8 elves. I knew without Moxen that mana Elves would be much stronger. Pyroclasm was a concern, but Pendelhaven was enticing. I knew from All-Ice constructed that Pyknite was actually playable, and even more when you can pump with the land. I love playing with Borderland Ranger and Silvergil Adept, and if you squint, Pyknite almost looks the same.

Side Story about Pyknite

I was in sixth grade and just turned 13 years old. The only cards I owned were a Blue-White "preconstructed"* deck of mostly Revised cards, a 4th Edition gift box, and the Ice Age Starter deck that was my first Magic purchase. I had these cards with me at school and during lunch another student** wanted to see what I had for trade. He thumbed through my Ice Age cards and pulled out a Pyknite. He asked me if I would trade him the Pyknite. I read the card several times but couldn't figure out why anyone would ever want this card. But since I was still mostly new to the game, I assumed I was missing something. I told him it wasn't for trade. He asked again, telling me all the ways that the card wasn't good. This further increased my suspicion that the card was secretly good, so I again refused. He then changed strategy, saying that it was actually really good and he offered me any card from his deck for it. At this point, I think I figure out I'm just being messed with, so I once again refuse. He finally admits he's just messing with me, and tells me that the card is indeed as bad as I thought. Then he asks if I would give him the card. Clearly, this was part of a con, and I'm no sucker, so I refused for a fourth time. Eventually he left me alone, but I would now always associate Pyknite with this day. Ironically, the card's power level was probably better than the average card in either of our decks, but I don't know how many people in the world at that time would have even known.

*Back then, stores would sell a somewhat playable pile of commons, uncommons, and basics for $10 or $20 bucks to new players.

**Funnily enough, this person still plays Magic occasionally and I've ran into him at various stores in the Houston area over the years. I doubt he would remember this story though. Hi Travis, if you're reading this!

Brewing Continued-

I then began to get a sense for what the bulk of the deck would be. Early mana creatures and Pyknites to smooth draws. Midrange beaters like Erhnam Djinn and Spitting Slug. Thermokarst, Stunted Growth, and Icy Manipulator for disruption. Triskelion as the high end, possibly with Hurricane, to close out games after drawing lots of land. And Arena, because its awesome. 

The last time I tried to play Arena, I found out it was not legal after winning a particularly great game with it. This time, I made sure to double-check before the event:

I don't know if it was ever "officially" made legal, but that wasn't going to stop me at this point. Some grey area between begging forgiveness and asking permission. Here was one of the early drafts:

I went back and forth on the singleton Mishra's Workshop. Maybe with Su-Chi it would be worth it. Nature's Lore isn't very great, but does give the deck some stuff to do in the early turns when the mana Elves don't show up, while also letting the deck play like it has fewer lands in it. I was really excited to play Johtull Wurm with Arena. I only owned one Ifh-Biff at the time. The deck probably needs Giant Growth as well.

It ended up being surprisingly similar to the classic Legion Land Loss*** deck that Raphael Levy won a GP with in 1997. I hadn't seen the decklist in years, and was shocked to see a lot of the same ideas I had when I looked it up. Triskelion and Icy I assumed were concessions to the Old School format, but apparently they were strong enough in Extended back in the day!

***Coincidentally, about a week ago Levy shared the link to the decklist and a quick story of the history. Be sure to check out some of the original tournament reports in the comments of that link! Really cool!

Nature's Lore and shuffling had me thinking about Sylvan Library. I decided to see if Ice Age had any other cool shuffle effects, and I found a great one in Altar of Bone. This meant I could play a second color. Swords to Plowshares and Disenchant would give the deck a lot more interaction early game before hitting three mana. Disenchant in particular was enticing because of the expected Land Tax / Ivory Tower decks. Untamed Wilds was about the same as Nature's Lore, and let me play just enough white sources. Also, Brushland, Plains, and City of Brass are not Forests for Erhnam Djinn, something that actually came up in one game.

There weren't any great Silver Bullet targets for Altar of Bone really. It did justify the singleton Ifh-Biff, and Lhurgoyf would likely be a better Johtull Wurm with sacrificing. Mostly it meant having two extra Triskelion in the deck.

I wasn't sure if Swords to Plowshares needed to be maindeck or not, but I'm glad I played some. Seraph and Spirit Link mostly fun meme cards, though I did get to put Seraph into the Arena once. The card I was most scared of now was Maze of Ith, since I no longer had Thermokarst or Icy Manipulator to answer it, and Armageddon was not legal. Otherwise, I think I had most of the bases covered.

4 Fyndhorn Elves
4 Elves of Deep Shadow
4 Pyknite
4 Erhnam Djinn
1 Lhurgoyf
1 Iff-Biff Efreet
4 Triskelion
4 Untamed Wilds
2 Altar of Bone
2 Sylvan Library
3 Swords to Plowshares 
3 Disenchant
1 Arena
3 Pendelhaven
4 Mishra's Factory
1 Strip Mine
7 Forest
4 Brushland 
2 Plains
2 City of brass
1 Disenchant
2 Hurricane
1 Essence Filter
1 Spirit Link
1 Library of Alexandria
3 Whirling Dervish
3 Stunted Growth
1 Swords to Plowshares
1 Seraph
1 Arena

After playing the rounds, I think I'd like to have one more Sylvan Library. It was very strong even with just six shuffle effects. The games seemed a lot slower and plenty of opportunity to pay 4 life to dig a bit deeper. Pyknite can dig you through some more cards as well. I'd also reconsider not playing Library of Alexandria main, and find room for some way to beat Maze. Thermokarst  as a way to beat Maze and Library could get back in the deck.

The Games

Round 1 Jared Doucette on Black splash red
Game one he plays Hymn and some Orders/Knights. I'm holding him off with Pendelhaven and Pyknites and then I draw Triskelion to win. Game two he turn two Consults for Juzam to cast it off Dark Ritual, but I have the Swords to Plowshares. I have Pendelhaven plus Elves and Pyknites along with Arena to keep him off of Orders. I kill him with Erhnam I think

Round 2 Casey Evan Herndon on WW with Green splash
Game one we both have Pendelhaven so his Tundra Wolves beats stop early. I have Sylvan going and eventually find Triskelion to take care of his team and kill him with Erhnam. Game two he has two Javelineers which I'm forced to Swords to resolve some Elves. He draws three Aeolipile to take care of the Elves anyway. He only has two mana though so I get in some attacks with Factories. He once again gets Tundra Wolves plus Pendelhaven but I find two Triskelion to take over the game. I pay 12 life to Sylvan over the game so I'm in Hurricane range but I find Spirit Link for Seraph and stabilize so he can't topdeck to kill me.

Round 3 - Mats Furby on RGb Land Destruction
Game one I keep a six land hand with three Factory and Sylvan Library. This works out as his first two Stone Rain don't set me back too much. He has an Erhnam attacking me down to 8 life and his own Sylvan, but I stabilize with two Triskelions so he can't pay life past 10 without dying to the Trikes. I find Altar of Bone to turn my Fyndhorn Elf into an Erhnam and he's force to give a Trike forestwalk. This 4 damage plus the 6 from the counters wins me the game. Game two he plays a turn one Library of Alexandria. I have a reasonable response with Elf into Sylvan plus Elf. He's only playing two cards a turn to keep Library active so I develop with Pyknite and Altar of Bone to find a Triskelion. He plays Orgg which I have Swords for then I destroy his three mana Elves and play a Lhurgoyf. I'm at 8 life from my own Sylvan so I need to kill him before he finds Lava Burst. Arena lets Goyf fight his Derelor and I attack him to 11. He plays a Icy to stop the Goyf beats but I get in with mana dudes to put him to 6. He has a second Icy and Stone Rain for Arena hoping to stabilize and get to nine mana for Lava Burst. I find an Altar of Bone to search up another Trike after attacking him to 3 so he doesn't get the chance.

Round 4 - Jeff Grasso WB Midrange
Game one I Disenchant his Land Tax and play some mana guys. He has an Icy and a Juzam and I'm racing but he draws Triskelion the turn before I can cast mine and my mana guys all die and I lose to Juzam. Game two I have Disenchant again for Land Tax and then spend a turn playing Sylvan Library to hopefully get my Library of Alexandria online, but he has Disenchant still in. I still manage to draw enough gas and he ends up on defense with a Juzam so I burn him out with Trikes and Hurricane. Game three he has turn one Factory and turn two Workshop into Icy against my mulligan to six. He doesn't have black mana though and the Factory is his only clock. Even with Strip Mine he's not aggressive in mana denial so I'm able to develop an Ernham and some 1/1s. I Swords his Factory and his Su-Chi and Disenchant his Icy. He has second Icy and Swords for my Whirling Dervish. He's down to one card which has to be a land or Disenchant so I play another Dervish. He immediately top decks Triskelion to decimate my team. I have another Disenchant but he then draws another Icy so my Ernham still locked down. I finally reach six mana for my own Triskelion but his last card is Divine Offering. My Trike trades with his and itself to prevent the life gain, but he then finds Juzam Djinn and I'm on a three turn clock. Next turn he gets Zuran Orb and I have no hope except to find a Swords or my Spirit Link which I don't and I die. 

Round 5 - Andres Hojman on Tax Tower something
Game one he has turn one Tower and turn two Tax but with two lands. I'm able to develop a bit with Elves and Pyknite. Eventually I find Disenchant for Land Tax and then play out lands with Ifh-Biff. He's holding off on lands to turn on Tower but I gain a lot of tempo with Strip Mine and kill him. Game two he mulligans to six and has turn one Library of Alexandria. I start with Fyndhorn Elves and then Strip Mine on Library gaining a lot of tempo. I get an Erhnam in play with two Factory. A Disenchant on his Tower is further tempo and he has no answer to any of my creatures. 

Round 6 - Martin Erne on Jokulhaups
Game one he's stuck on three land only but holding off my team with Rukh Egg and Maze of Ith. He plays a Stormbind but I Disenchant it. I eventually get out two Erhnam Djinn and use Arena to take care of the Rukh and get damage in. He doesn't find an answer. Game two he has a Pyroclasm for my first Elf and Pyknite but I have followup of each. I Disenchant his Stormbind but he then resolves Sylvan Library. I use Stunted Growth to set him back. I'm also on two Factory and doing a lot of damage. I play Erhnam and he uses the opportunity to Jokulhaups and he only has no cards in hand just Sylvan. I have three in hand including a land and my next draw step is Mishra's Factory which does the last 8 damage before he draws anything to recover.

Top 16 - Rich Shay on Pox
Game one I keep a questionable hand with two Disenchant I think may be important and he plays two Orders. By the time I play my first creature, a turn three Pyknite, he puts the game away with Hymn plus Pox and I lose. Game two I have turn two Whirling Dervish to try to pressure his turn one Library of Alexandria. I don't have a strong follow up despite using Stunted Growth to turn off his Library. He then deploys Icy and Maze to shut me down and his Rack plus Factories kill me.

My thoughts on the format

I think Original Six is a lot of fun. The deck building was fascinating and the games were surprisingly tricky. I had way more interesting decisions than I normally would in 93/94. 

The consensus seems to be that Land Tax should be restricted. I mostly agree, but mainly from a theory point. In the games I played, it did not do much, though I was prepared with Disenchant almost every time. I don't think unrestricted Land Tax would be too much of a problem, but there is no Black Vise. That also means there is no Vise to punish Library of Alexandria. The games involving that card felt very different from the rest of the games, and I think there is a good argument that it should be outright banned. Everything else, like unrestricting Necro or restricting anything else, should be "wait and see".

Also, I know its elegant to not allow Arena etc since they aren't "Original Six", but I like having it around. There should probably be an official statement one way or the other.


Library of Alexandria

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