When RPTQs were first announced, I was not a fan. It took almost until the very end for me to see why they were created, and I must admit I was wrong to dislike. The biggest benefit of the RPTQ system was a way for people trying to chain multiple PT invites to keep it going without having to start from ground zero. It was slightly more difficult to get that chain started, but it was far easier than having to chase Pro Points at GPs and actually doing well at the PT. If it had been around in different parts of my career, I may have been able to take advantage of it a lot more. As it was, I still benefited quite a bit from the RPTQ system because I no longer had the time or desire to play a Magic event every weekend. The timing of the start just corresponded to one of my longer competitive "breaks" and it took a while to get back up to where I felt I belonged (see the upcoming PPTQ posts). I played in 6 RPTQs. I made the top 4 / top 8 needed for qualification to the PT in 3 of them.
21 September 2020
The PWP History: RPTQs
03 September 2020
You won't believe these cards a legal in Middle School!
There are several cards legal in Middle School you might not think of at first glance at the legal sets. Besides many cards from the Portal expansions, there is a note that reads the following:
"Additional Sets and Cards Allowed
Tournaments hosted by Eternal Central also allow all cards from the following box sets and special releases which were printed during the era: Pro Tour Collector Set Inaugural Edition (May 1996), Anthologies (November 1998), Battle Royal Box Set (November 1999), Beatdown Box Set (December 2000), Deckmasters: Garfield vs. Finkel (September 2001), World Championship Decks 1997-2003. Finally, the following cards that were Book Promos from the era are also legal: Arena, Sewers of Estark, Nalathni Dragon, Giant Badger, and Windseeker Centaur (note: Mana Crypt is banned). Arena League and DCI Membership Promos from the era (Fireball, Counterspell, Disenchant, Incinerate basic lands, etc.) are also legal in Middle School."
Here are all the cards that this adds to the pool that aren't otherwise legal: